Our Results:
We found 3 products that fit all of our criteria and had adequate levels of active ingredient. A' 3 of the products we list below were very potent cleansers and weight loss catalysts while not causing any stomach discomfort or irritation at all. Many of our participants lost 15 lbs in just a few days after they started cleansing. Please read our reviews below and choose a cleanse that has proven results.
Study Updated: 6/5/2009
Regular screenings and the use of an effective colon cleanse product are two essential steps needed in the prevention of colon cancer.
Best Colon Cleanse Products Reviewed Below
Natures Cleanse
By far the best and most comprehensive colon cleanse product that we tested. It was highly recommended by Dr Perricone on Fox News during his segment on Superfoods for weight loss as well as on Oprah Winfrey. Our of the 35 products we tested, it got the highest grades from effectiveness, easy of use, taste and quality of active ingredients. Each of our 5 testers lost between 13 - 16 lbs in roughly 3 days of use. All reported having more energy and a less bloated feeling stomach. Natures Cleanse was the most effective colon cleanse product we could find on the market.
Nature's Plus - Nature Cleanse Purifiber, 1 kit
Our second favorite product was ColoFlush. This was the Colon Cleanse featured on Oprah and Rachel Ray recently. It was a very tough decision when deciding which to rate higher as this products worked about as good as Natures Cleanse but our testers showed significantly less weight loss which means it didn't remove nearly the amount of gunk from the colon as Natures Cleanse. On average our testers lost 8-11 lbs during the first 3 days of use as compared to 13-16 with Natures Cleanse. While still a product we would recommend it would definitely not be our first choice.
Body And Physical Health Coloflush (60 Caps) - Gently Flush The Colon And Improve Systemic Health
Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse definitely helped with weight loss as it claims but it has less pure natural extracting herbs in each dose than the two products we ranked above it. After 3 days the weight loss of our participants was about 4 lbs less than Natures Cleanse and ColoFlush and we didn't notice the same increase in energy levels. The stool examination showed considerably less "gunk" and looked more like normal everyday bowel movements than our other 2 products.
Organic Total Body Cleanse
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